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Indoor location report grows from 268 pages to 417 pages

We've just released our latest Grizzly Analytics report on Indoor Location Positioning Technology. Our previous report, released in March, 2013, was 268 pages, and this newly updated report is a whopping 417 pages!

What takes almost 150 extra pages? First, there are around 50 additional start-up companies profiled, and several new major technology vendors as well, bringing the coverage to 135 companies total. Many of the major companies have more patent filings, ongoing research, or products in the area than they did previously.

Proximity beacons are receiving a lot more attention now than they did 9 months ago, ever since Apple announced iBeacon and a whole lot of companies, major and start-up, jumped into the fray. There are also a lot more high-accuracy positioning companies now, using UWB or other hardware-based techniques. And a lot more companies are offering valuable indoor services to the retail, healthcare, or other industries.

Want to know more? Check out the details of this report here: 

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