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See great indoor location tech from the 2017 testbed

The videos from the Indoor Location Testbed at GeoIoT World 2017 are now released! Here is your chance to see how these solutions performed in our real-world evaluation, in the videos below. The testbed evaluated each solution by walking around a real-world venue, the GeoIoT World 2017 conference, measuring performance at 10 pre-selected points.

Click here for the testbed report, which analyzes each solution's performance in a wide variety of metrics, including real-time accuracy, accuracy stabilization, consistency, latency, floor change, first fix, setup time & more.

Let's start with BlooLoc's tag-based solution, which achieved accuracy under 2m in real-time and under 1.5m after stabilization:

Then let's look at the infrastructure-free solution from GipsTech, which achieved accuracy under 2m without using any beacons or radio signals:

Next is GipsTech's solution with BLE added:

Next is BlooLoc's phone-based solution:

Finally, we see Accuware's solution, the only one to incorporate camera-based computer vision technology:

The testbed report also includes testbed evaluations from the 2016 indoor location testbed, making this report the best way to learn about the performance of indoor location solutions on the market.

Any questions? E-mail us or chat with us today!

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