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Showing posts from November, 2014

PLACE Conference London and Qualcomm's LED-Based Location Technology

It was great attending and presenting at the PLACE London conference last week on November 17. Many technology vendors in the indoor location space, mostly start-ups but larger companies as well, were in attendance, and many large retail companies were there as well. It was the perfect audience to discuss indoor location technology and its impact on retail. My panel on sensor technologies included representatives from CSR (recently acquired by Qualcomm), Meridian (a subsidiary of Aruba networks) and Pole Star, all companies bringing indoor location technology to market. Other companies presenting at the conference included IndoorAtlas, Qualcomm, Aisle411, LocalSocial, RetailNext, ShopperTrak and Indoorz. Big thanks go to the team from Opus Research for a great job in organizing the conference. Of course, these dozen companies are only a few of the more than 100 companies in the indoor location area. But it was a great cross-sample of the market. Several companies were talking

Indoor Location's Upcoming SLAM Dunk

The beauty of GPS is that it works everywhere. With a GPS-enabled phone, applications ranging from navigation to picture geotagging, from nearby restaurant search to social network check-ins, can all work everywhere. That is, everywhere outside. Once we go inside, our phones simply remember where we were last observed. There are over 170 companies developing technologies for indoor location positioning, enabling phones to track their locations inside malls, stores, offices, hospitals, airports and more. Not a week goes by without announcements being released of new deployments of indoor location technology. But virtually all the indoor location systems on the market have to be deployed and customized one site at a time. And deploying and customizing these systems takes a lot of time and effort. A new technology brings the promise of changing all that, of enabling indoor location systems to work everywhere, or enabling them to be deployed in new much much more easily. SLAM stands fo

New report: Mobile SLAM Technology - Self-Learning Indoor Location Positioning

NEW REPORT: Mobile SLAM Technology: Self-Learning Indoor Location Positioning November 4, 2014 The indoor location positioning technology area is growing tremendously. Not a week goes by that we don’t hear of new products or solutions, new start-up companies or new acquisitions in the area. But the systems reaching market do not deliver indoor location positioning universally, without preparation for each site, and the preparation required for each site often takes a lot of time. Technology in development, about to reach market, can solve both of these challenges. This new technology area is Mobile SLAM, or Simultaneous Localization and Mapping, a self-learning indoor location positioning technology. Mobile SLAM offers the promise of systems that can learn to do indoor location positioning anywhere, with no preparation for the site. It also offers to reduce considerably the preparation required for per-site indoor location systems. This report analyzes and explains Mobil