Grizzly Analytics announces the publication of a new report analyzing the Indoor Location Testbed which took place at the GeoIoT World Conference in May, 2016. This report analyzes ten indoor location solutions, from eight companies, evaluated along a wide variety of metrics. There have been indoor location competitions in the past, which often evaluated indoor location solutions in terms of a single measurement of accuracy. In this testbed, Grizzly Analytics has measured many more metrics, including real-time location accuracy, location accuracy after stabilization, time to stabilization, accuracy consistency, set-up time, numbers of beacons or locators deployed, and more. This makes the evaluation much broader in scope and relevant to a wide variety of applications and requirements. Two solutions were the top performers in the phone-based segment. One solution was the top performer in the infrastructure-free segment. One solution was the top performer in the dedicated hardwar
Explaining and predicting technology trends in the mobile industry, especially related to indoor location and Internet of Things technologies.